Baby, don't move.

buttercup says (1:09 AM):
ooooh buttercup is a flower?!
buttercup says (1:09 AM):
soaked in glucose says (1:10 AM):
lols. i thought its a powerpuff
buttercup says (1:10 AM):

Haha. Random nonsense while struggling with report writing. Still after much nonsense, I'm done with my part! Thanks twinlove(: for cleaning up and the rest of the shit yadah yadah. Lol. Lucky it's approved. Just need to add on stuff. A&P. DOWN, for me. Hope we can do up the presentation slides asap. And then bye A&P! :d Speaking about this stupid module. I got a big fat F for it. Lol. On the other hand, CRM which is related to A&P, I've got the other extreme. A! YEAH BABY. This is not a miracle fyi, this called, hardwork. LOL(: The irony. Poot.

Doing school work with friends 'causes so much friction. But I have to keep in mind that work does not equals to play. Work equals to work, and play equals to play(: So.... I'm sorry if I threw my temper around or had arguments with anyone. It's really inner frustrations which I really didn't mean to vent it all out. I reallyam not in the best of moods lately. BUT THEN.... Everything will end soon!!! All the best, my friends! Please, please, pleaseeeeee forgive me.

I realised my problems are piling up. My family has become a burden, I don't seem to be communicating to anyone at home now. And I hate to go home now. School's an extra heavy load I have to cope with and Band on the other hand, scares me now. All the weight on my shoulder, lift it up for me? My shoulder's breaking. Forget it... I still have yet to find my tree. The place where that tree I have in mind is kinda inaccessible. I'm still finding one to talk to. Hmm. So I didn't find my tree today. But I think I found one while night-blading. I would check it out in the evening next week 'cause the weekends are packed. What do I have to do on Sunday?? I can't even recall. Nvm.

Oh yeah, night-blading. I spent 2 hours almost trying to get myself lost around the area. Well, I think it had been by far the best escape. It's nice just exploring places where no one can find me, blading past eerie construction sites (they were really dark) and places I never thought I would find myself to be at, and the night sky is just above me! I would do it more often now, just blading down the empty concrete pavements and gliding along the night skyline. Stars were so bright at such dark places! :D I really felt so much better, singing to the plants by the pathways, smelling the dense mid-night air, gliding left to right. Though the aftermath of blading for 2 hours are the blisters. ARG... ZZZ. Damn, and just when I thought I saw a UFO. LOL, nahs.. It's just a happy man flying his car-re-fuuuu areoplane. LOL.. Looks nice among the stars too. ((: Finally. Inner peace(:

Well, I'm beat. It's going to be a long day at school later. Just hope I can get my rest later.
Insomnia is taking it's toll on me. My face is sunken and swelling. ): Nights.

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